Welcome to Our PADI Professional Development Area

Change Your Life And Become a PADI Professional or
Continue Your Professional Development with Bespoke Scuba Diving

Bespoke Scuba Diving was founded by our in-house PADI Course Director Paul in 2016. Its core focus is on helping people live their dreams and go scuba diving.
We want to help you take YOUR dream further, and become a PADI Instructor, or as an PADI Instructor, work with you to continue your professional development.
Whether you want to be a part time instructor in an urban environment, or to live the dream, work full time in the industry, we can help.
Bespoke Scuba is an award winning PADI 5* IDC centre, and we also have multiple contacts in an extensive network of dive centres worldwide.
We offer the very highest level of PADI scuba diver education designed to teach you to scuba dive safely using the most up to date teaching practices. We will teach you how to use these techniques so that you become the best PADI professional you can be.
Our passion for dive education excellence inspired us in the beginning, and continues to drive us today.
During an IDC - You will have a “Once in a lifetime experience" – And make friends for the rest of your life. PADI Open Water Scuba Instructors are the most sought-after dive professionals around the world because they’ve completed the program that sets the standard for training dive professionals.
You earn YOUR PADI Instructor rating through hard work and commitment, but you’re rewarded with a career that lets you share incredible underwater adventures with others – and allowing you to transform people's lives for the better whilst also enriching yours. Book your IDC with Paul, and get the dedicated support you need to join the students that have a 100% Instructors Exam Success Rate.
Interested but would like to see more? Click on the link to take you to Paul's Facebook page, and see what professional courses have been taught recently.
So what happens WHEN you pass? Well of course we can help you with Scuba CV's - Navigation of the PADI job board and of course applications for roles.
We do however like to go that step furthur. We will encourage you to buddy up with one of our experienced instructors, get started, teach a course or two with some support, build your confidence and expertise - We are always ready and happy to help.
For those taking our Gold IDC Option, this isnt "just" Open Water teaching, we will help you learn what its like to teach your actual PADI specialities as well!
When Can I start my course? - Just call to discuss! 01708 837032
Custom Timetables available - Or See Our Current Course Schedule
Some of a PADI IDC can be conducted during online web sessions, so if this helps to add flexibility for you we will always try to accomodate. Courses are usually taught evenings and weekends.