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Bespoke Scuba Open Water Training

Where are we going? Is there an overnight stay? What time do I have to be there? What do I need to bring? Is their Paperwork to do? Do I bring my books?

And many more questions:

So for starters:

Let’s deal with the logistics that are relevant to all courses we run:

We teach courses at three locations:

  • Hollborough Lakes – Kent

  • Stoney Cove – Leicester

  • Vobster Quay - Somerset

We will make you aware well in advance as to where your course will be, the date of it, start times and early logistic information.

If we are in Kent, we meet at the lake each day, with no overnight stay. For the other two locations, we will stay locally to the lake on the Friday and Saturday evenings. We will share relevant hotel details with you well ahead of time, and we recommend overnight stays, as the starts are early.

Prior to the course you are taking you will receive at least two emails, sharing plans for the weekend, links to the hotel we are using and other relevant information. Please look out for these, this information is valuable in terms of making your weekend with us go smoothly. If you have any questions when you receive these, remember we are here to help.

In the one / two weeks prior to the weekend, we will fit you with any equipment that you wish to hire from us / utilise. We want to know everything is going to work for you before we arrive at the lake. There is a small charge for exposure protection, and the only additional diving costs you will incur is for lake entry and air fills (payable on the day to the lake or to us - subject to availability). All exposure protection and course fees need to be paid prior to the weekend in question. We ask that cylinders are returned to us at the end of the days / weekends diving full, or you pay us for these fills.

In the week before your open water dives, we will email you key logistical details that will give you all the key info that you need and you will be all set to go diving with us. Like us we are sure you are looking forward to the upcoming weekend.

What do I need to bring?

Bring a towel, warm clothes, rain protection (if it’s likely), snacks and most of all a smile! If you are a certified diver, please bring your certification card (highest level).

Do I bring my course books?

For Open Water this isn’t necessary, as we will have finished with them in class, but please do ensure you have your log book and RDP. For all other courses, please do bring them and don’t forget your log book. Books may not be required if we have covered video’s and theory pre session, and we confirm this to you.

What exact time do I have to be there for my course?

On the final email you receive from us, the diving day will be mapped out, and where there are multiple things going on, we aim to give you adequate surface intervals, so your instructional staff may be doing other things while you chill out and grab some food and a drink!

In general we ask that you arrive at the time on this email, this will range between 7.30 AM (Non-Kent) and 8.45 AM (Kent) depending on location. If you are late this impacts our ability to complete your courses, and has knock on effects for others. We ask that you are also ready to dive at allotted times as well for the same reason.

Is there Paperwork to do? It is our requirement that the standard PADI paperwork are re-completed on the day. We do this to remind you of what you are signing, and enable you to raise any new issues since you started your course, or the last time you dived with us. We also ask for a safety contact number for yourself. None of these should ever be needed.

When the paperwork is done we will issue you with required equipment. We will make sure you have everything you need and are ready to dive, if you are unsure, just ask us for whatever you need. We are here to help you, keep you safe, and make sure you have a fun time.

Depending on location, we will conduct a site briefing before or after the paperwork is complete. The site briefing is for key orientation points, and emergency procedures, Orientation will cover items such as site rules, refreshments, entry and exit points, air fill procedures and other point of interest. Emergency procedures will cover items such as support roles, phone locations and first aid / oxygen location and use. We will also discuss aspects of our emergency action plan with you. We are all here to help. One key thing we would hasten to remind you is to ensure you sign out and back in with our surface support on the daily dive logs. This way we know where divers are, when they are due back, and that they have returned safe at the end of the day / dive.

Orientation and paperwork done, please get your dive kit ready for your first dive. When it’s all assembled lay it down / store it safely to avoid damages to your kit, yourself and others! It may be sensible to kit up in your exposure protection before doing this, and the dive team will advise you accordingly – If it’s a sunny day, you don’t want to be in a wet suit carrying heavy cylinders etc.

When everyone is ready to go (or nearly ready), the dive team will give you a detailed dive briefing of what is expected of you on the upcoming dive, how things will be organised underwater, and the role of the safety diver and other divers. All set and good to go, finish kitting up, and don’t forget your Buddy check! If you have questions or concerns, now is the time, it’s much easier than making up hand signals underwater!

At the end of each training dive, there will be a de-briefing session, we will complete your log books with you, and then it’s time for a break and refreshments. Please make sure you remain well hydrated throughout the diving day. We would also encourage you not to take hot showers or bath's immediately after diving, as this can promote bubble formation / DCS.

When your diving is complete for the weekend, its your responsibility to return all club equipment to the surface support team, this should be clean, regulator caps in place and ready to be transported from the site. Any losses or breakages will need to be paid for. Cylinders should be returned full, or gas fill paid for.

Photo’s – At the end of the day or the weekend, you will hopefully have a new dive qualification! We always take congratulations photos with the dive team and yourself, as well as other fun photos from the weekend. These will be on the web site / various social media platforms after the weekend, please feel free to take whatever copies you want for your own collection.

Trip Advisor / FB / Google / Web Page

We would love all of our customers to review us on some or all of the above platforms, our desire is to get a 5* rating from you, and we would sooner know in advance if there is something you would like to change to ensure we get that. So, when your course is over, please do rate us.

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